Tuesday, December 30, 2014

hospitalized christmas

Twice in a row I have been hospitalized on christmas. Both in the middle of a vacation. I look around the room. It is white with little animals painted on it. I am awkwardly positioned in a crib with a broken bar which means it's next to impossible to get out. There is a twin bed across from the crib for my mom that looks equally as comfortable. There are bright yellow curtains with animals on it that I think is trying to give the room a cheery feel but acaully makes it worse. No matter how hard people try it is impossible for hospitals to not be depressing. I get bored and decide to draw in my journal. I cant go back to bed anyway so why not.
My New Years Resolution: Don't go to a hospital next year

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

sol 6

"Sloan get up"
I lay in my bed wrapped in my sheets. I was exhausted from the time change and did not want to get out of bed.
"Mrrrrrrraaah" which for those of you that don't speak half awake grumpy Sloan means "Go away I don't care. Unless its something large, scary,dangerous, or cool don't wake me up."
"There is a giraffe on our front porch"
"Mrshrrr"I moan which means "I'm thinking about it"
"I'm coming"
I pop out of bed and slip my jeans on and pull my green lantern shirt over my head. I run down the steps that lead me down to the front door and run next to my Mom who is poking her head out the door. She is still in her pajamas as she motions me over I look out and I see a giraffe poking its head in to the window of one of our neighbors rooms.
"Oh my god" I look up at my Mom who smiles at me.
"There is a bucket of giraffe feed in the dining room"
"You're kidding"
I run into the other room. It feels like Christmas. I grab the bucket of feed. They look like tootsie rolls but there are grainy and a lighter brown. I walk out onto the porch with the bucket in my hand. I came face to face to a giraffe. I took a step closer to it and took a handful of feed out of the bucket. I looked over at one of the staff feeding it. The giraffe would stick its tongue out and then he would throw the pellets in one by one into its mouth. I tried this technique and success! My brother came out and I showed him how to feed the giraffes.
"Slice of life time"I hear my mom shout
"Very funny"I say
"I wasn't kidding"
"But Mom giraffes""
"Slice of life"
"Grrrr"Which in Sloan means "Revenge is coming"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

book blog popular

I really liked this book. It was clever, funny, and lighthearted. Popular is a memoir about a girl named Maya in middle school who is not well liked but her peers. One day Maya is helping clean out her dads office when she comes across a book. The book is a popularity guide written in the 1950s by former teen model Betty Cornell. As an experiment Maya decides to follow every step in the book and write about what happens. This book is hard to put down and is hilarious. I would recommend it to most girls in our class.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

sol #5

"Good Morning"
I look at up towards the sound of my dads voice. He is in his red and white striped pajamas smiling. I reach for my phone to check the time. 
"Have you ever heard of sleeping in on the weekends"

"If you had gone to bed earlier then maybe you wouldn't be tiered, when I was your age I got up at 5:30 every Saturday...
While my Dad is talking I slowly drift back into sleep hoping he won't notice.
Well that failed
I reluctantly get out of my warm comfortable bed and slink off to put my running clothes on. I know Dad is trying to help me be more organized, and I appreciate this, but I'm exhausted. My attempts at going to bed early all end with me staring at the ceiling for two hours until I finally fall asleep. The most frustrating part of this is that my Dad is still convinced that it will work.  I walk out of my room careful to not wake my mom or brother up. I would rather be grumpy and sleep deprived than have a grumpy sleep deprived mother. I walk past the kitchen towards the stairs. I find it frustrating that I have to get up and my dad doesn't. I could be in a worse situation. I start to dream up all the things that could be worse than having to get up unreasonably early.
Winning one million dollars and then told they gave the money to the wrong person
Held hostage by Aliens
Being left one hundred miles from civilization
Listening to nails drag across a chalk board for all of eternity 

... Never mind I am perfectly fine with getting up early

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

book blog

I love this book. It is relatable,witty, and hilarious. Popular is a memoir about a girl named Maya in middle school who is not well liked but her peers. One day Maya is helping clean out her dads office when she comes across a book. The book is a popularity guide written in the 1950s by former teen model Betty Cornell. As an experiment Maya decides to follow every step in the book and write about what happens. The result is a crazy story that is funny and very relatable. I am really enjoying this book and I would recommend it to most if not all of the girls in our class.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

thanksgiving sol

Music...I love you. I sit with my back against the wall of the restaurant look out at the lake. I hum to my music and look out on the lake. Avoiding relatives can be so relaxing. Well less of avoiding more of taking a break from my relatives. I love my family but I feel like they take a lot of energy. I close my eyes and start to drift off into a food coma when...
I got tumbling down the hill screaming my head off. I finally stop and look up. 
My cousin Heston sits at the top laughing like a hyena.
"I got you" He says and continues laughing
I get up dust myself off. My mom is going to kill my for the grass stains but I'll get over it. I walk but up the hill in search for a missing shoe and earring. Heston still is bent over laughing. I roll my eyes, pick up my shoe, and push him over and keep searching for my earring. I hope I find it before we leave.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

rock in the river part 2

I liked this book. It was clever, had an nice perspective an was well written. The story takes place in the late 60s and is about a thirteen year old boy named Sam. Sam's father is a civil rights activist, and his brother is discovered by his family to be a member of the Black Panther party. Sam's world is slowly crumbling to pieces and realizes everything is not what is seems.I would recommend this book to most people in this class.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

sol 3

"Well be leaving in just a minute let me just go say goodbye too...oh hey you I haven't seen you in..." 
I sat in the corner waiting to leave. I have always felt awkward at weddings. You have relatives squeezing your cheeks talking about how much you've grown and how cute of a baby you where. Then after the wave of old people you and all the other children are pushed together and forced to socialize. I look at the empty table around me trying to resist the temptation to pull out my book. 
I walk outside. Its nice out, its warm with a slight breeze and very sunny. I walk down the steps and go sit by the edge of the fountain. I look around to see if anyone is nearby, nobody is so I pop open my book and start reading. 
I dive into the world of detective Michel Bennant whom is trying to catch a killer while keep his hectic family from spinning out of control. I stay here until (an hour later) we finally leave.

sol 2 (because I accidentally deleted it)

"Sloan are you sure"
I look her strait in the eye. I knew this wasn't something she was going to let go easily, but it was battle to fight so I would. 
" No I don't even know what your alarm looks like"
I didn't dislike my aunt I just felt like I was very different from her. She liked lattes, I drank coffee. I watch Saw while she watches The Notebook. I wear Leather she wears Lace. The contrast is so great its hard for us to get along. So when her alarm starts going off in the middle of the night for no reason guess who is suspect #1. You guessed it me.
" Ok Well go along then" 
I walk away from her. I know that she is staring daggers into my back and frankly I don't care. She doesn't have to like me as long as I don't have to like her. I sit down on the couch and pop open my book and read until dinner.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

1984 (part 2)

I generally enjoyed this book. It had difficult language but after awhile it got easier.  The story is about a man named Winston. Winston decides to rebel against Big brother. Big brother is basically a group of people who monitor everyone to make sure nobody does anything disapproved of or illegal. The group's ultimate goal is to rid the world of emotion or individuality. If anybody shows any emotion or individuality they will arrested, tortured, and killed. I think the main power of this book is the idea of Big brother. Basically the idea that privacy would be taken away and self expression wouldn't be aloud. It is a very interesting concept and is hard to think about. I liked this book although the ending was unsatisfying. I recommend this to the majority of people in the class.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I like this book. The language is difficult but once you get into the groove of things it becomes easier. It has a clever story, a lot of symbolism, and beautiful language. The story is about a man named Winston. Winston decides to rebel against Big brother. Big brother is a man, but also is somewhat of a system. Big brother (well technically the minions of big brother) watches everyone and everything. Emotions and ideas that stray from the norm are prohibited, punishable by death. Big brother controls you, the world around you, and your thoughts. I think that this book is clever well written and very interesting, even for people who are not interested in science fiction. I would recommend this book to most people in this class but ask that they keep in mind the difficulty of the language.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

slice of life 1

I collapse on to my bed. Normal friday routine I guess. Collapse on my bed for 30 minutes, finally get up and go downstairs get on the treadmill until dinner. I cocoon myself in the warmth of my comforter and curl up in a ball. The first snow was a few weeks ago. I wasn't ready for it to get cold yet, my mind was still clinging to the memories of summer even thought we were coming to the end of fall.
tap swipe swipe swipe swipe 
tap tap tap swipe swipe
I realized I had my finger had started tapping again. I had learned morse code over the summer and although the alphabet had begun to fade from my memory I could still remember the numbers clearly. I would always find myself tapping thirteen. I find it somewhat fitting. Me and the number thirteen had always seemed to be entangled. My birthday was on the thirteenth, My favorite book was Thirteen Reasons Why, thirteen is my lucky number, the list seems to never stop growing. 
tap swipe swipe swipe swipe 
tap tap tap swipe swipe
I hear the piano start to play downstairs. I would often wonder why but right now I am not in the mood to investigate. I start to hear the soft tune of Annie's song by John Denver I know that it is most likely my mom. She has always loved that song and I don't blame her. It is beautiful. 
tap swipe swipe swipe swipe 
tap tap tap swipe swipe
I close my eyes and let the soft familiarity of the music lull my to sleep.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

rock in the river

I really enjoyed this book. It was clever, gripping and nicely paced. The story takes place in the late 60s and is about a thirteen year old boy named Sam. Sam's father is a civil rights activist, and his brother is discovered by his family to be a member of the Black Panther party. Sam's world is slowly crumbling to pieces and realizes everything is not what is seems. I don't really know the words to describe this book. It is clever and brings up some interesting themes and ideas. I would recommend this book to just about anyone in this class especially if you enjoy historical fiction

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

If I stay

I really liked this book. It was well written and had nice conflicts. The story is about a girl who gets into a car crash. Her ghost ( spirit, soul, essence I honestly don't know) is witnessing her the commotion at the hospital while contemplating whether or not she should die or wake up from the coma she is currently in, and continue on with her life. It feels dry real and is very easy to get lost in. I would recommend this book to just about anyone in our class.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Aviary

I honestly didn't really like this book. The plot is clever and the charecters are nice but honestly I didn't like the way it was written. The writers idea of a story with a gothic twist is basically adding badly timed dark moments making it sound desperate. It also has a boring pace and I found it hard to stay interested. The story is about a young girl who lives in a house with her mother an old widow and another servant. The old widow passes away but her husband left a sum of money to keep the house in prime condition in the case that there long lost son will return. I wouldn't reccomend this book to anyone unless the want to be bored out of there mind.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Aviary

I honestly didn't like this book. Maybe it was to young for me or maybe I don't like the tone it's written in but I don't like it. I think that if I was a little younger I could enjoy it more but at my age I don't enjoy it. The story is about a young girl who lives in a house with her mother an old widow and another servant. The old widow passes away but her husband left a sum of money to keep the house in prime condition in the case that there long lost son will return. Then it turns into a mystery to find what became of the son and by then I have already lost interest. I think I might have enjoyed this better at a younger age and with a more relatable lead but currently I find it exetremly boring.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Dr sleep

Dr Sleep by Stephan King 

the first paragraph is just a rant skip if you actually want to get to the real review

Dr Sleep was the long awaited sequel to the horror classic The Shining, and can I just say I am pissed at Stephan King. The Shining was published in 1977 and flew off the shelves and was big hit automatic classic, so naturally like a NORMAL author you would write a sequel or a spin off to please the fans and to make more money. WRONG apparently you are expected to wait THIRTY THREE YEARS AND WRITE SOME CRAPPY NOVELS IN BETWEEN. I mean don't get me wrong Stephan King has written some great novels in the last thirty years, but if you are a true King fan like I am you know that he has some great books, but he also has a lot of SAD, GOOD FOR NOTHING, HORRIBLY WRITTEN, PIECES OF CRAP. You see with King his stories either fantastic or awful. There will always be the good books: Misery, Carrie, Fire starter, and of course The Shining, and the there are the bad ones: The cell, Christine, the other stories I would refuse to finish as an act of protest. Mr King why do you wish to torture your fans with horrible writing when it is obvious that you are a much better writer than these stories portray? It saddens us horror fans I breaks our tiny and cruel hearts. Next time please refrain from writing stories that could be written by A MONKEY WITH HALF A BRAIN.

Dr Sleep is fabulous story and I think it might actually be better that The Shining although I would strongly recommend against reading it without reading The Shining first. Dr Sleep is about the main(ish) character from the first book ( although he is not exactly the main character because in The Shining because it is constantly switching perspectives) as a grown up dealing with his gift, his gift again part from the first book is that he can see ghosts and often predict when something is going to happen (bad or good)  this power is called the shining hence the name of the first book. But this time the ghosts from the overlook (haunted hotel from the first book) are back. But this time instead of a series of ghosts haunting him it is one group of… Demons?…Ghosts? haunting him specifically on called Rosie nicknamed the girl in the hat.
I would recommend this too people who don't mind things that are on the darker side, also the are some mature topics.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

out of the easy

I loved this book. I don't have any complaints. It was edgy but sweet and had many unexpected twists. This book is about a girl named Josie who lives in the french quarter. Her mother works at brothel where Josie cleans. Suddenly a man is murdered in the quarter and her mother is the number one suspect. I wouldn't say this is a mystery book but it does have a fast pace which is nice. I would recommend this book to anybody that doesn't mind mature content.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Out of the easy

This week I read a book called out of the easy by Ruta Sepetys. It is about an eighteen year old girl named Josie, who lives in the french quarter. Her mother is a prostitute and Josie works at her mother's brothel as a cleaning women. I am not quite sure I can describe the plot for this book, I am not even sure if it has one, ( which keep in mind is not always a bad thing). But I have to say that this book is very well written and is easy to get sucked in to. I would recommend this book to anyone more so girls than boys, also if you are going to read this book keep in mind that it has mature themes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

summer book

This summer I read tick tock by James Patterson. It is a thriller about a cop named Michael Bennett, who looking for a copy cat killer. I really enjoyed this book, it had a lot of nice cliff hangers, twists and it kept you guessing. My one complaint was the character development. Many of the characters where unrealistic, cliche, and had a lot of potential to be better characters, an example of this is when a love triangle was thrown in but never put into action. My last complaint was the fact the that there where too  many focuses, below I have made a list of things that the author made you focus on:

1. The love triangle 

2. Catching the killer

3. The main characters children ( there are twelve kids all adopted and we have to to remember there names where they are from and there ages)

4. The kid and his family that is beating up the main characters children 

5. How evil the villain is ( there are page long conversations about him PAGE LONG )

Thats five focuses, I love the twist but this book needs to sort out its priorities.


2. The Summer of letting go

3. A mango shaped space


5. Elenor and Park 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

maximum ride

I didn't really like this book, I do think it had a nice pace and was well written, I just don't think it was for me. The story is about a group of kids who are genetically made angels. The live together and take care of each other while hiding from the people who made them. When one of them gets kidnapped, the main character, Max goes to hunt her back down. I though this book was good but I didn't enjoy it very much. I would recommend this book to people who love adventure.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Maximum ride

I am reading maximum ride. It's pretty good but it's not really my type of book. It is about genetically created angels, who broke free or the lab they were made in,The creators are trying to catch them and bring them back to there lab. When one of the angels gets kidnapped all the others try to go and save her. As you can tell I don't really like this book, but I do think it was well written and would recommend it to fantasy lovers.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


This may just be the best book I have ever read. Misery is about a writer named Paul, who crashes his car in a snow storm in the rockies. He is saved by his "biggest fan" Annie Wilkes, who tells him he has broken both his legs. Annie also happens to be a nurse. He considers himself lucky to be in her custody… that is until he discovers her mental state. Soon he forced to write a story for her, in which he revives a character he killed in the first book. Paul must be careful because if he lands one foot wrong the consequences will be piercing. I loved this book. Not only was it full of clever thinking but the suspense sucked you in and made the book much more real.

Monday, April 28, 2014


I have a soft spot for Stephan King books, but even without that soft spot I still love this book. It is about a man who writes romance novels. He gets caught in a bad situation were he is drunk driving through a winter storm in the rockies, and as expected he gets into a car crash. He awakens in the guest bed of one of his fans, with two broken legs. She starts out as the average fan girl, but soon he sees that her mental state is rather deteriorated. She subjects him to cruel punishment for and forces him to write a character back to life in a book for her. This book is amazing and honestly I would recommend this book to anyone.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the shining

I think that this book is amazing. It had an amazing suspense element to it and the best part is that there is more then one villain which I think makes this all the mrs fun to read. The shining is about a man who takes his son and wife up to an old hotel because he has gotten a new job as care taker. The mans son has a strange gift of being able to know things before they happen. But the twist: there has been multiple deaths in this hotel, one being the sucide and the murdering spree performed by the previous caretaker. I would recommend this book to someone who enjoys suspense but does not want horribly graphic content.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Shining

I liked this book. First off let me start off with the fact that it is Stephan King, so if you like scary stuff I would already recommend this book to you.
The Shining takes place boulder Colorado. Our protagonist Jack, has just been fired from his job because he hit one of his former students for defacing his car. Trying to start clean with his wife and son, he moves to boulder. Jack takes a job taking care of an old hotel in the moutons during the winter. But there is one important detail, the last man who took this job murdered his family.
I like this book so far its really long but cleverly written.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

an a abundance of katherines

I liked this book. It had some funny moment but it also had a serious sense which was nice. This book is about a boy named Colin who is constantly falling in love with girls named Katherine. In the book he has just been dumped by his nineteenth Katherine so his friend Hassan decides to take him on a rode trip. They end up in the town of Gunshot Tennesse and decide to stay there for a while. Colin in an effort to never get dumped again decides to make a formula the predicts the sustainability of a relationship. I liked this book I thought it was funny but it took a long time to get to a spot where it was interesting for me.

Monday, March 31, 2014

we are done

I dump the cup over. The lizards scurry out eager to get home or to a place where they won't be found.
I watch them scurry by free of the jar.
I realize I have my last slice of life today.
I walk back inside the air-conditioning is cool vs the hot Texas air. I walk inside and lay on the couch. I look at my surroundings. 
I have always liked my grandmas place. I look at the toy solders on the mantle, the seem to be frozen as if someone pressed pause in there lives and brought them here. 
My mom and my grandma are off to the grocery store, which either means they will be back in under 20 minutes, or in over an 1:30. I look at the time and decide its more likely to be an hour and a half.
I glance at the computer on the counter.
Write your slice of life Sloan I invasion the computer saying
I give it a glare and turn on the TV
Write your slice
"Shut up" I say
I turn on the TV and scroll, not particularly looking for anything just bored, and hungry...
Do your slice and get food Sloan
As I walk over to the computer my mind thinks of an excuse to not do my slice
Why don't you eat first and then do your work maybe some good TV might be on too
I know I am not going to get my work done anytime soon but that's ok another hour won't kill you.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

sol 30/31

I lay in my bed. Not wanting to get up to deal with the horrors and complications of breakfast, but not wanting to stay in my spot because by now I am awake. I log on to my computer scroll through my email. I look at the time
I peak through my shutters and look out at the street. I watch as people walk to school in small clumps. I am sick today, so but I don't have much to do. I open up my computer again a watch Family Guy on the disk that my dad gave to me on my birthday. 
I personally think the show is dumb and horribly written, but hey sometimes it gives a good laugh. 
An half hour ticks by. I pause the show and look at the time
I know I should start my slice of life soon, but by the time I get on the computer I will have found an excuse to not do so, plus I don't have any ideas.
Maybe I should just nap awhile.
By the time I wake up I will have at least one idea.
Maybe I could write about my dream
if I have a dream
I will probably do that... 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

sol 29/31

I boost myself up on to a the first branch. Then I grab the second and hoist myself even farther upwards. I look down as my cousin tries to follow me.
Tries I think
Not succeeds
One thing I want to be
I keep on going higher and higher until I reach the point where all the other tree limbs are unsteady.
I smile and grab some candy from my easter basket I have conveniently stashed up here.
I pop in my earbuds and press shuffle. Man in the mirror starts to play and I quietly look out on the street and garden below.
I count the cars passing by and just relax.
I love and hate easter. One you get to eat candy but that one has kinda changed for me (obvious reasons). Another is that I get to see my grandma. I love old people, they are caring and considerate unless of course there not which is rarely the case for me. Plus my grandma makes a killer roast beef.
Maybe I should go inside and get some more
but my cousin might catch me
I hop down from the tree and go get some more roast beef

Friday, March 28, 2014


I watch as the rain makes beads that run down the window. I love rain, the way it drums on the roof and soft feeling of it.
The problem is we aren't allowed outside because my friend Brittney has just gotten over a cold z. We watch the rain thump down and eagerly stare at the window.
"Please mom"
"Please mom"
"Please mom"
We smile like we had just won the lottery and run outside without even putting our rain gear on. We start to run around and throw worms and leaves at each other. The clothes cling to our wet bodies as we run around and play. Eventually the rain slows to a stop we just sit there looking at the clearing sky.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

sol 27/31 princess wars part 2

Welcome back to princess wars a continued post from yesterday

Ariel vs Elsa

Battle: First off Ariel would freeze to death in Elsa's frosty presence. But if by chance Ariel some how didn't die Elsa would put her in a block of ice or freeze her heart.

Winner: Elsa

Rapunzel vs Jasmine

Battle: I would imagine Rapunzel would strangle Jasmine with her hair. When Jasmine's Tiger would come to defend to Jasmine Rapunzel would either bang it with her frying pan or strangle in too.

Winner: Rapunzel

 Snow White vs Tiana

Battle: Tiana's crocodile friend eats Snow White. Done

Winner: Tiana

Sleeping Beauty vs Minnie Mouse

Battle: While Sleeping Beauty is sleeping Minnie takes her outrageously big shoes and beats her to death.

Winner: Minnie Mouse

Elsa vs Rapunzel

Battle: Rapunzel trys to strangle Elsa with her hair, then Elsa will freeze Rapunzels heart. But Elsa will still be strangled to death

Winner: Tie!
Now since there was a tie we now have a team that will fight together.

Tiana vs Minnie

Battle: Tiana's alligator eats minnie with ease.

Winner: Tiana

Elsa and Rapunzel vs Tiana

Battle: Tiana sends her alligator to eat the duo. Rapunzel strangles the alligator while Elsa freezes Tiana or vice versa.

Winner: Elsa and Rapunzel

FINAL BATTLE: Elsa and Rapunzel vs Mulan

Battle: Mulan first sends her dragon to kill Elsa. While Elsa fights the dragon,  Rapunzel try's to strangle Mulan. Mulan cuts her hair off. Elsa finally kills the dragon and freezes Mulan.

Winner: Elsa and Rapunzel

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

sol 26/31 princess wars part 1

So earlier today I was scrolling the internet and something interesting came up: a disney princess bracket. I had to fill one out and now I have decided to post my thoughts on how the battle would roll out. So lets start.

Cinderella vs Merida

Battle: I imagine the fight would go something like this. Cinderella calls upon her furry friends (classic disney princess move) Merida shoots her in the face or Merida asks her mom to maul her. Game, set, match.

Winner: Merida

Mulan vs Jasmine

Battle: I think that Jasmine would first send her tiger to maul Mulan. Mulan would either cut the tiger in half or send her dragon to set the tiger on fire. From there the dragon would burn Jasmine to death or Mulan cuts her in half.

Winner: Mulan

Belle vs Pocohontes

Battle: Pocohontes draws an arrow to shoot Belle. Belle summons Beast, Pocohontes can't kill any animal (she made an deal with her tribe plus she probably a vegetarian but then again aren't all disney princesses) and sadly Beast mauls her.

Winner: Belle

Anna vs Daisy Duck

Battle: Anna calls her boyfriend to stab it, heck even Olaf could kill Daisy Duck. Her boyfriend kills it. Game, set, match.

Winner: Anna

Belle vs Anna

Battle: Beast mauls Anna.

Winner: Belle

Belle vs Mulan

Battle: Belle has beast Maul Mulan, Beast gets either Blade or Blaze from Mulan. Mulan walks over to Belle and stabs her.

Winner: Mulan

I hope you enjoyed my fight I will do this tommarrow too, bye.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

an abundance of katherines

I like this book butI don't think that it has gotten to a point where it is interesting. This book is about a boy who is extremely smart and is has just had a break up. To cheer him up his friend takes him on a road trip. I like this book to a certain degree. I haven't gotten to a point where I am very invested in it. I still would recommend this book to people who are enjoy John Green.

Monday, March 24, 2014

sol 24/31

So recently I have been thinking about princesses. Everyone either wants to be them or hates them. So thinking about this controversy I decided to make a list of my top ten disney princess out of the top ten that are in the princess line up. I am judging on talent, brains, independence, and weather or not she is a good role model.

DISCLAIMER: Is I don't add a princess that you liked I am sorry. I am just adding the ones from the current line up (look up disney princess line up if you want to know what I am talking about).

10. Aurora (Sleeping beauty)

pros: She can sing. Actually Aurora was voiced by an opera singer named Mary Costa who had a rewarding career afterwards.

cons: Aurora is lazy. She sits in a cottage baking pies and cakes all day, while being accompanied by birds and squirrels, and waiting for her prince to come, and don't make mention the crazy fairies who raise her. These fairies drive me crazy and always will.

9. Cinderella
pros: She can clean, she is kind, and she has a fairy god mother.
cons: She does nothing besides clean. She is like a pretty vacuum. She doesn't have guts, like when the prince comes with the slipper she doesn't even say "hey I danced with you it was me". Instead she sits there in the door way and watches as her sister cram there foot into the slipper ( actually I kinda would do the same because then you get to laugh at the sisters but still).

8. Snow White
pros: She is kind hearted and thinks of others.
cons: She is dumber then a sack of hammers.
I personally like Snow White but when you think about it she is not smart. She breaks into somebodys house and eats there food, when she is hiding away and praying to god the queen won't find her she lets in a strange women from outside, surely they won't hurt her.

7. Ariel
pros: She's adventurous and optimistic
cons: I hate her outfit. Seriously disney you are going to market her off to young kids and this is the clothing choice you choose. Also she is always complaining even its pretty and in song (part of your world) its still complaining

6. Jasmine
pros: She is adventurous and has a tiger for a pet
cons: Like Ariel the outfit bugs me but I have always had a soft spot for her so I put her lower on the list. She is the damsel in distress in most cases although she plays in like she is in control.

pros: She can heal people with her hair, she has a frying pan as a weapon, and she has a pet lizard
cons: She is emotionally attached to many people/things.

pros: She is smart and cares for others
cons: She has Stockholm syndrome. 
Belle is in love with a bipolar werewolf who is keeping her captive in exchange for her father.

3. Pocohontes
pros: She can fight
cons: She falls in love with someone unworthy of her companionship. I think that she could have done much better and found someone who rivals her awesomeness.

2. Tiana
pros: She is hard working and has her mind set on something besides falling in love.
cons: She lets her friend overshadow her for most of the movie until the end.

DISCLAIMER: alright not all of them are part of the disney princess line up but still this one I could help but add on the list.
1. Elsa
pros: She can shoot Ice anywhere she wants
cons: she can't control her power but she's still awesome

sol 22/31

that is the word that describe right now as a sit in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I look over at the computer waiting to have a slice of life written.
maybe I should do it. Nah a few more minutes
I watch the clock tick by
10 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
40 minutes
50 minutes
1 hour
"Sloan dinner time"
I go down to eat
1 hour 30 minutes
1 hour 40 minutes 
"Sloan time to go to sleep"
2 hours 10 minutes
2 hours 20 minutes
oh well maybe tomarrow

Sunday, March 23, 2014

sol 23/31

Silence of the lambs Review
Last night I watched silence of lambs with my grandparents ( and no this was there idea) and here is my  review from 3 points in the movie and my overall review as the third.

1. First I see a girl who is a going through obstacle course without anybody acomponing her. My guess is that in the next five minutes. Nope I am wrong, here we are introduced to our main character Clarice Starling( played by Jodie Foster), a student training to become a agent of the FBI, and is told she must interview the mysterious and dangerous serial killer, Dr Hannibal Lecter ( played by Anthony Hopkins) who would eat his victims.

2. Now Clarice is searching for Buffalo Bill the gruesome serial whom kidnaps his victims keeps the hostage and the skins them, with the help of Hannibal. Hannibal helping Clarice by giving her riddle like hints 

Review: Overall I loved this movie. It had a lot of suspense and was cleverly written. But my favorite person was by far Hannibal. Anthony Hopkins was spectacular in his role, he gave Hannibal a clever aspect and made her fearful yet likable. If Hannibal wasn't a crazy psychopath who eats people I would worship him. I do wish we could chat longer, but... I'm having an old friend for dinner. Bye ~ Hannibal Lector

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

sol 19/31

"Jaws isn't a horror movie, its hardly even scary"
I look at this in the youtube comment section under a movie review of Jaws.
I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down.
then I start to write.
I sigh and delete this comment.
I take a deep breath and decide to click on the next video
then I see the next comment 
"and that quinn character is so annoying"
command z
and I continue my rant.
by the end this is what I have
I contemplate this for one more minute than add to the end
"sorry for the rant I had to get it out of my system"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

sol 18/31

Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone

Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway

I listen to these lyrics and think about the song. Its like breaking to reveal the true you. I like it (and no I haven't seen Frozen). What would happen if everyone showed there true selves, wouldn't it be easier. But instead we hide in our shells that we have created, that we have woven, the people we want to be seen as, not the people we really are.
I try to brake this shell, everyone does, but when we approach we cower because we are scared of the consequences.

Monday, March 17, 2014

sol 17/31 why Leprechauns will kill you

Leprechauns. They may seem cute sweet and maybe even innocent but on the inside they are cold soulless creatures.
 For years now Leprechauns have had an underground conspiracy with the mermaids and the werewolves to make the human race there slaves.
The evil soulless Leprechauns have planned that on the 20th of march 2020 to send out the werewolves into the major cities and take millions hostage and then from there take over the remaining groups of human resistance and make us there slaves. From there we will build giant glass balls that the mermaids will swim around in.
From there the Leprechauns will stage an attack against the mermaid people which was "delivered" by the Werewolves. Then the Mermaids will use lasers from there minds to turn the Werewolves into Tacos which will never run out that they will feed the homeless with. 
But the Leprechauns want the world to themselves so they blow up the mermaids in there little glass balls and turn them into chocolate cupcakes which will make them fat.
Then the mighty Zombie Unicorns will rise and step on the fat Leprechauns with there hooves.
And then man will kill all the Unicorns and make Zombie beef jerky which will turn everyone on earth into a zombie.
So prepare for the Zombie Unicorn/ Mermaid/Werewolve apcolipse because its coming

Sunday, March 16, 2014

sol 16/31

I honor of the sixteenth post and the fact that this challenge is almost over (yay!) I decided to make a top eight list of my favorite songs ( get it eight times two equal eighteen, hey at least I tried to be funny) and why I think there good or bad.
My Favorite songs list
1. Rehab by Amy Whinhouse
 I love this song no madder how out dated I am told it is. I think that the lyrics about the struggle between wanting to not going rehab because she does not want to be want socially shunned, but at the same time knowing that she should to cure her alcoholism. I love this song i think the music video is dumb but it still a good song.

2. Your Song from Moulin Rough
 I personally think this song is so sweet sure its long and even though I haven't seen the musical ( ok sue me I haven't seen the musical that my favorite song is from) it still is touching and sweet. Yes I know I made two rants about how stupid love songs are, and this is sorta hypocritical, I think this song is original and beautiful.

3. Yeah by Usher
I am not quite sure why I put this up on here, maybe its because I used to be obsessed with this song when I was a little for some strange reason. The lyrics are shallow and are the generic pop star "I can't think of anything else to write song" but for some reason I love this song.

4. Stan by Eminem
I think that Eminem can write a really good song when he puts his mind to it and this is a product of that. This songs about I crazy fans obsession with a rap idol and his fan letters to this pop idol who won't answer his mail. I like this piece because its a story and Eminem tells i

5.  Happy by Pharell Williams
 It has minions need I say more.

6. Stacy's Mom by Fountains Of Wayne
I think this song has the strangest lyrics I have ever heard.  In the music video its a ten year old who's in love with his classmates mom who is four times his age. Its messed up but its catchy and kinda different so its going on here.

7. I'm Yours Jason Maraz
This song make no since whatsoever I am pretty sure that Jason Maraz was smoking  something while he was writing it, but it has a child like innocence and feeling to it which sets it apart from all these other songs.

8. Thrift Shop by Macklemore
I just like this song its so strange makes no sense and is a total hipster song but it's funny and really catchy, like really catchy.

Friday, March 14, 2014

14/31 sol love song rant part 2 (letter to taylor swift)

Dear Taylor Swift,
I enjoy some of your music and I think you have a good singing voice. I mean the following in the nicest way possible and this is not meant to hurt your feelings.

Lets start with the lyrics shall we

The lyrics in most of your songs has little to no meaning. It seems like you don't even try your songs can be represented by these three sentences.
"OMG your so hot will you be my boyfriend'
"OMG your the worst boyfriend ever I hate you"
"OMG I love you so much will you marry me"
( and yes the OMGs were necessary)
It's almost as if you date crush on somebody, write a song, date them, write a song, and break up with them and what do you do then YOU WRITE A SONG. It's a pattern and by the end you have an album. This is my theory on how Taylor Swift songs are made, actually it's not a theory it's a fact. All Taylor Swift songs are about your dumb break ups, and newsflash nobody cares.

Now we will move on to the songs in general.  I liked Taylor Swift songs when they first came out they were sweet and full of feeling songs like tear drops on my guitar, they are relatable and well written. Now let us move on to her current songs.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

13/31/ love song rant

I am guessing at one time or another you've a heard or love song one time or another, on the radio, off the internet, or you've bought one from iTunes. I will agree that this does not apply to all love songs some are original and have some meaning to them. But a lot of love songs are pointless pity holes (Taylor Swift) that are put to a good tune so you buy them of iTunes and that artist can make millions of some dumb rant about how horrible or hot there love interest is. For example if someone came up to you and said
Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,But here's my number,So call me, maybe
And all the other boys,
Try to chase me,
But here's my number,
So call me, maybe

If I were you I would probably leave as soon as I could. 
I do not think that all love songs should be shunned but the one that are dumb and have no meaning like this one:
We are never ever ever getting back together,
We are never ever ever getting back together,
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

Like, ever

(seriously Taylor if anyone is ever going to take you seriously you have to quit writing songs as pointless as this)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

sol 12/31

I hear the door ring and jump up ready to open it. The doorbell annoyingly chimes three more times and I know it's time for me to run I grab my laptop my charger and my book and run downstairs. I run into the exercise room that my dad asked for because he was going on a "diet" so now it's my hiding spot. I often use it to do homework, watch TV, and last and best of all hide from my evil cousin. As I open my laptop I hear the front door pulled open and hear her saying hi and asking where I am well the rest of her family let's themselves in and make themselves comfortable.
I hear her calling my name and walking around upstairs. I smile because I know she won't come down here she scared to death, all I had to do was tell her saw a mouse down here once for her to be terrified. I put my headphones back on and press play to the movie I was watching. I laugh because I know she would hate watching Top Gun with me and probably make me watch something dumb like
Barbie and her mermaid friends save the fairy princesses of unicornlandia
I smile as Tom cruse get promoted and they high five I don't see Alice walk in.
"Hey girl, how's it going I brought some movies lets ditch this place and watch them"
I give her a fake smile
" I would love too but I am watching Top Gun maybe later" I say
" OMG your the worst cousin ever. I hate you and like when that movie made 1960 whatever."
"1986" I say gritting my teeth
" Well anyways its a loser movie now lets watch something fun like… oh I know Barbie a Mermaid Tail"
I don't want to watch your dumb barbie a mermaid tail for the 33rd time I want to watch Top Gun alone without YOU
" Sure but don't you think thats a little old"
"Oh it never gets old you'll see"
ten minutes into the movie and I am wishing that the computer will go up into flames.
I get up fed up and start to walk away.
" Where are you going?"
"To get popcorn" I say not turning around
"Well hurry back she's about to turn into a mermaid"
at this point one thought is on my mind

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

sol 11/31

I wield my axe in hand looking into his red eyes.
those are the eyes that killed everyone I love
I smile as I raise my axe.
I wake up grumpy I watch as my alarm clock buzzes
great prank Carson
my little brother has just got into playing pranks which is annoying because the "pranks" are all on me.
I slap my alarm clock and push it away. I hear it shatter on the floor.
serves it right for waking me up
then I realize it's Wensday
joy spainish
I know it's good for me to learn a new language and all that but waking up an hour earlier isn't worth it.
I look at the time.
alright then
I set my alarm for 6:00 and slip back under the covers and leisurely slip back to sleep.
I wake up and look at the time.
another ten minutes would end the world.
I look up to turn off my alarm and I realize its just my mom saying
"Sloan get up your late for spainish!"

Monday, March 10, 2014

sol 10/31

I push at the door. It takes to nudges but eventually it gives way. I strap the leash on Dominos collar, she wags her tail as if the world depended on it. I pull the door shut and start to walk through my yard. I  walk up the street because I know that eventually that will lead us back around to our house.
I walk along and hear the pavement crunch under my feet with every step I take. I put my earbuds in and press shuffle on my iPod. Amy whine house Rehab. I close my eyes and listen to the music.
They tried to make me go to rehab but I said, 'No, no, no.'
Yes, I've been black but when I come back you'll know, know, know
I ain't got the time and if my daddy thinks I'm fine
He's tried to make me go to rehab but I won't go, go, go
By know we are almost done with our walk. I watch as Domino trys to catch to little robins on somebody's front lawn. I sigh and scratch her head as the birds carelessly fly away.
"You'll catch them eventually pup"
She looks at me as if to say
"maybe someday."

Saturday, March 8, 2014

sol 8/31

"Chuck it!" everyone screams.
With the summer breeze toying with my hair, and the stars shining down on my face, I throw the can so far it almost lands on the roof of a near bye house. Blake, Britney and I run and hide it the back of the Greeer's pick up truck. This had been the first time this year we had played kick the can together, and it felt good to see each other again. We see each other every summer because we both go up to a house up in boulder.
We peek out of the truck bed at Carson in the middle of the circle. As time passes we hear our friends get called out.
"Mary Jane behind the oak tree"
"Skip behind the grey toyota"
In this time we have developed a plan. Blake runs out and grabs his little sisters barbie playhouse tent and we all go in and lift it up. From here we walk over to the can kick it and walk away.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

sol 6/31

After a few hours of attempting sleep I close my eyes and bite my lip and stay like that. The first few minutes is a struggle of keeping my eyes shut and then I slowly drift off into a dream…
I wake up in a house, this house isn't mine but for some reason I know I am at the top. I look out the window and see a deep pit that seems to never end. I walk down a spiral staircase that takes me to the bottom of the house and walk out the door.
There I see a girl her name is Carmen. She's wearing a knee length black skirt with a black hood I realize I am dressed in similar attire but with one small difference she has a silver chain around her neck with a red diamond I have the same necklace but mine has a small crack that for some reason I keep secret.
"Come on we will be late for temple" She grabs my arm and drags me away from my house. I realize that she is in black and white so is everything and then I realize that I have a slight pigment to my skin so slight that it was barley noticeable.
Carmen dragged me into a old broken down house where we go through a wood corridor we run down the corridor. It's dark but there's a faint light ahead. I notice that the wood has turned to to black stone with hyroglifics glowing red on the walls. We come to a room the same type of stone but this time it has a story. I some how knew the story it was of the girl who's crystal broke.
One day her crystal was busted open and she was given color. The people pushed her into the deep pit and she was never seen again.
I look around and realized that millions of people have gathered and are touching a glowing orange stone that stood on a pedestal in the middle of the room. everyone touched it then walked back down the corridor. I knew I couldn't touch it or they would know. I am not sure what they would know but they would know something they shouldn't.
I ran away people noticed and started reaching out to grab me but I pushed forward. Through the corridor, with people scratching me and trying to bring me to the stone. I ran to my house locked the front door and ran up the stairs I got to my room slammed the door and locked it I look out the window to see a angry mob of people coming to get me. I sit on my bed hyperventilating.
The crystal bursts. I look as it shatters in to millions of pieces. I watch the mob bang at my door.
The door gives way.
I scream and try to open the door to go down the backstairs and escape.
I unlock the door and try to open it, the door stays shut. I push it again but it won't open.
I hear the mob close by almost up the stairs. I look for another way out but nothing is available, nothing but… the window. I look out it down into pit bellow I cry but know I can't touch the stone.
I stand on the edge look out at the dark pit bellow in terror. I know I have no choice I take a deep breath bite my lip and…
I wake up in terror looking around at my surroundings.
it's my bedroom, just my bedroom
I sit up and tuck my knees to my chest and take a deep breath.
If it was hard sleeping before it will be impossible to sleep now
I lean back against the wall take a deep breath and lie down.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

sol 5/31

 I stare at the empty page and watch the black line blink, as if to taunt me.
You gonna do something huh, or are you just going sit there?
I bite my lip in frustration. I type a sentence and then delete it. Than a paragraph then delete it.
"Screw it" I throw my pen and walk away.
After I post my blog I am told it's too short.
I stare at the blinking line again
haha your stuck with me again so what are you going to write, or are you just going to stare at me you dumb cow
I look over at the sub next to me
"So what are you going to write, how about your feelings"
I close my eyes and clench my teeth and think
I look at the time
great an excuse to leave. I stand up click the update button and walk away.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

chasing eve

This book is pretty good. It has a nicely timed out pace and a interesting plot. This book is about a forensic sculptor whom discovers she's being targeted by the killer in one of her cases. I would say this book is pretty good and I am generally enjoying it. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys thrillers.

Monday, March 3, 2014

sol 3/31

I look around at the tall buildings above me and the cold concrete bellow me, New York is remarkable. As I walk I notice the people scurrying like mice to catch a cab or go to work. The flossing light with adds Buy Carlton's Toothpaste doctor recommended  or Try mcdonald's new cowboy burger.  It reminded me of a beehive, people scurrying around like the workers, advertisements telling them what to do as if they were commands from the queen bee.
I laugh as I picture the queen bee saying something ridiculous like "Buy Carlton's toothpaste and that's a order".  I smile one sat time at the thought and walk away scurry to catch a cab just like the other bees.

sol 2/31

I am close to exhaustion we have hiked up the trail for the last hour and a half, its dark steep and hot and I feel like if I have to take another step I will collapse.
"Perfect" my grandmother says with a smile on her face.
My dad lays down the blanket on top of the grass and then lays another on top we have learned from experience that laying down just one blanket is a misery waiting to happen. Last year we tried that tactic but my grandma decide that year that the "perfect place to stop" was in the middle of a patch of rose bushes, a mistake made once, one time to many. This year we chose a spot closer to the top of the trail.
I plot down next to Jack and pop open a soda.
"Cheers" Jack say smiling
"To he fourth of July" he says
"To our country" I say
"And all that crap" we say together
Jack and I have a tradition of saying this before the fireworks every forth of July. We sip our soda and watch as the fireworks begin. The first one is small but soon they blanket the sky in color. I just sit there and watch until I fall asleep.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

sol 1/31

I glance at the clock. 
I had given up sleeping a few hours ago and had been sitting in my bed alone confined to my own thoughts. I look out the window into the street. I lay back down wishing I had something to do. I glance out the window a second time and watch the snowflakes fall. I think of all the poems and word written involving snow. People talk about how beautiful snow is, and how gracefully it dances to the ground but to me, it's just snow, plain beautiful snow. 
Most people write about how beautiful the world is and ignore the things that are ugly. Like if someone called you a flower you would consider it a complement. But if someone called you a bull, like a bull you would charge at them completely unaware of there intent. 
I close my eyes roll over and hope I can get some sleep.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ready Player One

 I loved this book. I think had an interesting plot and had some unexpected twists and turns. This book takes place in the future where the earth is ruined and to escape all these troubles the world turns to Oasis a game which distracts the people from seeing there depressing surroundings. When the owner of Oasis dies he leaves his beloved creation to whomever can solve a puzzle he has left behind. I think this book was amazing. It had comic a comic element which was mixed with the adventure of the story. I would recommend this book to anyone who is willing to try something new and different.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Before I write anything I just want to say that I love Jerry Spinelli, so for this book I set the bar high. Jerry Spinelli has written amazing children's classic such as Maniac Magee and Stargirl two books that would probably be in my top 20 favorites if I were to rank them. So in the nicest most professional way possible I have to say this book sucked. First off it has no real theme, the title hardly even makes any since. The main character Zinkoff (which by the way sounds like a clean fluid)  is only called loser three times: one when he loses a race, two when he's talking to himself, three when some kids are bullying him. I can begin to describe what goes on not because its confusing but because like I said before there is no theme. If I had to describe it I would say its about his life from kindergarden to his first year in middle school. I would not recommend this book to anyone.

Monday, February 10, 2014


I walk into the rickety house and dodge the swinging plastic that soars at my face with a gust of wind. I look around. My surroundings seem almost unrecognizable but I can make out where I am by the set up and the smell of pine. After about an hour of taking the covers off things, turning on the electricity, and moving furniture it looks like the place were I spent my summer for as long as can remember. I sit down it feels so nice know that we turned on the ancient air conditioner.
The whole family hates it but my grandma likes to get a "full use of it" so all because of some nonsense from my grandma we our burning up all summer long. I like to think of it as a genie. If it feels kind it will grant you an escape from scorching heat. But if it is mad it will break down and stop working.

By now my mom and I our done we sit down on the couch. We sit down and turn on the TV. Ah zen at last. After five minutes the room starts heat up and I look over at the air conditioner.

You stupid genie

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Carrie by Stephan King

This book was the best book I have ever read. The plot goes along at a nice pace and it leave you hanging despite the fact that you know what will happen in the end. Carrie is about a girl who has telepathic powers. She is in her Senior year and has been invited to prom by the boy of her dreams. But by the end of prom night half of the town is burning and the streets are in chaos. I would recommend this book to someone who enjoys thrillers and in open to things involving blood/gore.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Help

The Help is an spectacular book that is close to impossible to put down. The Help is set during the 1960s in the south were, at the time there was a lot of controversy over civil rights. This book is set in Jackson Mississippi and is from the point of view of, Aibleen a housekeeper who works at the Leefolt's, Minny who was fiered from her job at the Holbrooks who are friends of the Leefolt's, and from Miss Skeeter whom is trying to write book about being a housekeeper. This book is not only sweet but is suspenseful and funny. I would recommend this to people who enjoy historical fiction.

Monday, January 27, 2014

slice of life

I push open the door. It takes a second shove but it finally gives in.
FACT 1 : Our front door is older than dirt.
I walk out to the warm embrace of summer sunset. I slam the door behind me. I swear if I have to spend one more second with my little cousin I will blow my brains out.
FACT 2 : I can not stand my little cousin
That girl is the most manipulative, spoiled brat I have ever met (and probably will meet but only time will tell).
I look across the porch to my swing. The paint is faded, The rope is frayed, It can only swing one way which is into the tree it's hung from yet these are the things I love about it. I twist my fingers in the frayed rope while I am on it, and I have made a game out of seeing how long I can push of the tree without using my hands.
I walk across my yard to the swing. I back up and stand on one of the tree roots with the bark of the tree pressing my back. I tighten my hand on the rope and jump.
I feel the breeze tug at my hair as I swing forward. I use my legs to move the swing at a point were I can kick off the tree. I point my heels out so I can push of easily. The bark presses to my feet and then disappears. I smile. The is so easy and simple, I feel like I could just float off…
" There you are Sloan I have been looking everywhere for you"
I would know that awful sickly sweet voice anywhere.
Oh god
FACT 3: My cousin can find me from mile away
I force a smile on to my face.
"Hi Alice"
" Oh my god I had the most stressful day, I had to work with this girl at school who bothers me so much"
"Oh really"
sound familiar.

 <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sethrader/5459925584/">*Seth</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">cc</a>

Monday, January 20, 2014

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

This thrilling classic represents the struggle between two souls in one body. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is being told from the point of Mr Utterson an old lawyer whom has been tangled into the mysterious will of his friend Henry Jekyll, Who has requested that in the circumstance of his death or disappearance his fortune is to be given to a cruel and mysterious Mr Hyde. I believe that this book had a very stimulating start although it has dissatisfying end. I would recommend this novel to an individual who is interested in mental disorders.

slice of life

I stare out the window as we pull into our drive way. We just came back from a three day trip to copper. I smile, it's great to be home. I stretch my legs as my Mom parks in the garage. The car comes to a stop. I get out of the car and open the door. Inside my dog lays her face buried in her paws, her tail up and wagging. Then she springs to her feet filled with excitement and runs to me I sit down to greet her. and watch as she jumps up and licks my face repeatedly.
"Hi Domino!" my brother says with more enthusiasm then he has ever talked to anyone with.
Domino greats my family and then plays a game I like to call "I think you are my toy and I want to eat you" how to play: self explanatory.
My mom, soon annoyed with the game, scoops Domino up in her arms. Domino, still wanting to play wriggles around like a fish out of water, trying to eat my moms arm. My Mom just rubs her belly and three seconds later Domino sits still with her eyes closed. I laugh at the sudden transition and take Domino up in my arms and pet her.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Frogive Me Lenord Peacock

Frogive Me Lenord Peacock is a outstanding story about a boy struggle through life and his decision to end it. This book has a continuing theme of an eighteen year old reflecting on his life throughout one day. The reason why this is key is because he has is going to kill himself at the end of the day. I thought that this book captured a struggle of thoughts and the fear to express yourself. I would recommend this book to someone who has a bully problem and is not afraid to try something new.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Alligant is the last book in the Divergent series. I personally loved the book but I hated the end because it is very unsatisfying. The Divergent series is set in the future were there are five factions that represent a honorable quality.   For each faction there are certain jobs clothes ect. Tris the main character is a Divergent which means she is immune to simulations and serums which are used often in there society. In Alligant Tris discovers that the city she has called home for years is an experiment funded by what is technically the government. I did not like this book very much so I would only recommend this to people who are reading the divergent series.

slice of break

I wake up woozy with an odd wet feeling on my face.
I look up and I see a giant dog on my bed licking me.
"Who are you." I say still tiered scratching the dog behind it's ears. Then I remember last night.
" Oh hi Ripley" I smile. Ripley was the Rubys foster dog, last night when we were at there house, we thought that we should take Ripley for one night, since our dog Domino had liked her.
I sit up and start pet the dog and notice something.
"Look Ripley the house next door has painted the roof." I say still woozy from sleep. I blink and rub my eyes and realize it's not paint it's snow. I jump out of bed and look out my window at snow covered yards and trees. Ripley jumps up on the window sill and looks outside.
"Look Ripley" I say " it's snow."