Friday, March 14, 2014

14/31 sol love song rant part 2 (letter to taylor swift)

Dear Taylor Swift,
I enjoy some of your music and I think you have a good singing voice. I mean the following in the nicest way possible and this is not meant to hurt your feelings.

Lets start with the lyrics shall we

The lyrics in most of your songs has little to no meaning. It seems like you don't even try your songs can be represented by these three sentences.
"OMG your so hot will you be my boyfriend'
"OMG your the worst boyfriend ever I hate you"
"OMG I love you so much will you marry me"
( and yes the OMGs were necessary)
It's almost as if you date crush on somebody, write a song, date them, write a song, and break up with them and what do you do then YOU WRITE A SONG. It's a pattern and by the end you have an album. This is my theory on how Taylor Swift songs are made, actually it's not a theory it's a fact. All Taylor Swift songs are about your dumb break ups, and newsflash nobody cares.

Now we will move on to the songs in general.  I liked Taylor Swift songs when they first came out they were sweet and full of feeling songs like tear drops on my guitar, they are relatable and well written. Now let us move on to her current songs.


  1. Oh, pop music. Where lyrics are vapid and all that matters is a catchy tune.
