Saturday, March 1, 2014

sol 1/31

I glance at the clock. 
I had given up sleeping a few hours ago and had been sitting in my bed alone confined to my own thoughts. I look out the window into the street. I lay back down wishing I had something to do. I glance out the window a second time and watch the snowflakes fall. I think of all the poems and word written involving snow. People talk about how beautiful snow is, and how gracefully it dances to the ground but to me, it's just snow, plain beautiful snow. 
Most people write about how beautiful the world is and ignore the things that are ugly. Like if someone called you a flower you would consider it a complement. But if someone called you a bull, like a bull you would charge at them completely unaware of there intent. 
I close my eyes roll over and hope I can get some sleep.


  1. Thoughts in the middle of the night are always interesting, Sloan. I wonder if you answer some of the questions in the day? Good slice to start!

  2. I love how you capture your late night thoughts in this slice. I especially like your line "..confined to my own thoughts.." I know that feeling.

  3. I know those sleepless nights and how my thoughts can keep me confined in the awake world when all I want is sleep. You described it so well in so few words at the start of your slice! Nice start.

  4. This is really beautiful. I have had some nights like that, were I know that theres no way that I'm going to sleep, but I have never thought about people kind of stereotype things like flowers beautiful and bulls not. Wow. Thank you for opening my eyes.
