Monday, March 31, 2014

we are done

I dump the cup over. The lizards scurry out eager to get home or to a place where they won't be found.
I watch them scurry by free of the jar.
I realize I have my last slice of life today.
I walk back inside the air-conditioning is cool vs the hot Texas air. I walk inside and lay on the couch. I look at my surroundings. 
I have always liked my grandmas place. I look at the toy solders on the mantle, the seem to be frozen as if someone pressed pause in there lives and brought them here. 
My mom and my grandma are off to the grocery store, which either means they will be back in under 20 minutes, or in over an 1:30. I look at the time and decide its more likely to be an hour and a half.
I glance at the computer on the counter.
Write your slice of life Sloan I invasion the computer saying
I give it a glare and turn on the TV
Write your slice
"Shut up" I say
I turn on the TV and scroll, not particularly looking for anything just bored, and hungry...
Do your slice and get food Sloan
As I walk over to the computer my mind thinks of an excuse to not do my slice
Why don't you eat first and then do your work maybe some good TV might be on too
I know I am not going to get my work done anytime soon but that's ok another hour won't kill you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh procrastination, an art that practically every student has mastered. Nice slice and good job completing the slice of life challenge!
