Wednesday, January 8, 2014

slice of break

I wake up woozy with an odd wet feeling on my face.
I look up and I see a giant dog on my bed licking me.
"Who are you." I say still tiered scratching the dog behind it's ears. Then I remember last night.
" Oh hi Ripley" I smile. Ripley was the Rubys foster dog, last night when we were at there house, we thought that we should take Ripley for one night, since our dog Domino had liked her.
I sit up and start pet the dog and notice something.
"Look Ripley the house next door has painted the roof." I say still woozy from sleep. I blink and rub my eyes and realize it's not paint it's snow. I jump out of bed and look out my window at snow covered yards and trees. Ripley jumps up on the window sill and looks outside.
"Look Ripley" I say " it's snow."


  1. I like how the unusual start to the day leads to the unexpected discovery of snow!

  2. Ya i really like how the story morphs into I'm assuming the first snow

  3. I like the ending. A cliffhanger...

  4. I'm a big fan of the word "woozy." It is such a simple, yet descriptive word choice.
