Monday, March 30, 2015

sol mach 30

I am slowly going insane. very very slowly... but surely going insane.
Young children are everywhere. Normally they would be cute but to be completely honest I didn't want to have to deal with them.  I normally love christmas. The whole family is together, people are happy, presents are exchanged, and it is one of the few times a year when you can stuff your face with food and nobody judges you. But with the magic comes some issues, annoying relatives, bad presents, and of course bad christmas parties. Ok I can imagine that for some people christmas parties can be fun, but for others it is misery. Today I am stuck at christmas party hosted by some family friends. The majority of the kids there are under 7 and are complaining about god knows what for god knows reason. The only two people my age are in the corner talking to each other, I tried approaching them, apparently I make a great third wheel. So I am sitting on the couch with a kid next to me bouncing up and down. They are everywhere, screaming, crying, whining, I am going insane.

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