Saturday, September 7, 2013

the book theif

The Book Thief
By Mark Zusack
This book is has a lot of substance. I like it because everything is in detail and there are many great ideas and metaphors. This book was amazing it made me cry. I learned from it to not judge a book by its cover. I would recommend this book to people 11 and up.

My to be read list:
1. 13 Reasons Why
2. The Client
3. See You At Harrys
4. The Secret Life Of Bees
5. Elenore And Park
6. Flygirl
7. Forgive Me Lenord Peacock
8. The Night Circus
9. Doll Bones
10. The House of Mirth
11. After Iris


  1. I have meet a lot of people who read that book. I really want to read it.

  2. I've been meaning to read that for a while, and I'm sure I will soon.

  3. I don't remember reading it but i might have... it seems like a good book

  4. i really want to read that it sounds like a good book

  5. I have never heard of this book in my life but it is now on my TBR list!
