Tuesday, December 30, 2014

hospitalized christmas

Twice in a row I have been hospitalized on christmas. Both in the middle of a vacation. I look around the room. It is white with little animals painted on it. I am awkwardly positioned in a crib with a broken bar which means it's next to impossible to get out. There is a twin bed across from the crib for my mom that looks equally as comfortable. There are bright yellow curtains with animals on it that I think is trying to give the room a cheery feel but acaully makes it worse. No matter how hard people try it is impossible for hospitals to not be depressing. I get bored and decide to draw in my journal. I cant go back to bed anyway so why not.
My New Years Resolution: Don't go to a hospital next year

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

sol 6

"Sloan get up"
I lay in my bed wrapped in my sheets. I was exhausted from the time change and did not want to get out of bed.
"Mrrrrrrraaah" which for those of you that don't speak half awake grumpy Sloan means "Go away I don't care. Unless its something large, scary,dangerous, or cool don't wake me up."
"There is a giraffe on our front porch"
"Mrshrrr"I moan which means "I'm thinking about it"
"I'm coming"
I pop out of bed and slip my jeans on and pull my green lantern shirt over my head. I run down the steps that lead me down to the front door and run next to my Mom who is poking her head out the door. She is still in her pajamas as she motions me over I look out and I see a giraffe poking its head in to the window of one of our neighbors rooms.
"Oh my god" I look up at my Mom who smiles at me.
"There is a bucket of giraffe feed in the dining room"
"You're kidding"
I run into the other room. It feels like Christmas. I grab the bucket of feed. They look like tootsie rolls but there are grainy and a lighter brown. I walk out onto the porch with the bucket in my hand. I came face to face to a giraffe. I took a step closer to it and took a handful of feed out of the bucket. I looked over at one of the staff feeding it. The giraffe would stick its tongue out and then he would throw the pellets in one by one into its mouth. I tried this technique and success! My brother came out and I showed him how to feed the giraffes.
"Slice of life time"I hear my mom shout
"Very funny"I say
"I wasn't kidding"
"But Mom giraffes""
"Slice of life"
"Grrrr"Which in Sloan means "Revenge is coming"

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

book blog popular

I really liked this book. It was clever, funny, and lighthearted. Popular is a memoir about a girl named Maya in middle school who is not well liked but her peers. One day Maya is helping clean out her dads office when she comes across a book. The book is a popularity guide written in the 1950s by former teen model Betty Cornell. As an experiment Maya decides to follow every step in the book and write about what happens. This book is hard to put down and is hilarious. I would recommend it to most girls in our class.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

sol #5

"Good Morning"
I look at up towards the sound of my dads voice. He is in his red and white striped pajamas smiling. I reach for my phone to check the time. 
"Have you ever heard of sleeping in on the weekends"

"If you had gone to bed earlier then maybe you wouldn't be tiered, when I was your age I got up at 5:30 every Saturday...
While my Dad is talking I slowly drift back into sleep hoping he won't notice.
Well that failed
I reluctantly get out of my warm comfortable bed and slink off to put my running clothes on. I know Dad is trying to help me be more organized, and I appreciate this, but I'm exhausted. My attempts at going to bed early all end with me staring at the ceiling for two hours until I finally fall asleep. The most frustrating part of this is that my Dad is still convinced that it will work.  I walk out of my room careful to not wake my mom or brother up. I would rather be grumpy and sleep deprived than have a grumpy sleep deprived mother. I walk past the kitchen towards the stairs. I find it frustrating that I have to get up and my dad doesn't. I could be in a worse situation. I start to dream up all the things that could be worse than having to get up unreasonably early.
Winning one million dollars and then told they gave the money to the wrong person
Held hostage by Aliens
Being left one hundred miles from civilization
Listening to nails drag across a chalk board for all of eternity 

... Never mind I am perfectly fine with getting up early

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

book blog

I love this book. It is relatable,witty, and hilarious. Popular is a memoir about a girl named Maya in middle school who is not well liked but her peers. One day Maya is helping clean out her dads office when she comes across a book. The book is a popularity guide written in the 1950s by former teen model Betty Cornell. As an experiment Maya decides to follow every step in the book and write about what happens. The result is a crazy story that is funny and very relatable. I am really enjoying this book and I would recommend it to most if not all of the girls in our class.